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English Reader Primer-A

English Reader Primer-A

English Reader Primer-A:

English Reader Primer-A

  • English

  • Loyola Publications
  • CBSE
  • Padmini Sameeran
  • UKG
Revised Edition
AvailabilityIn stock
English Reader Primer-A: English Reader A and B have been specially designed for young learners to help them acquire language skills from the very first year of language learning. The series aims to make learning interesting and pleasurable for beginners a simple and organised presentation of the teaching items, carefully graded in terms of its content and length. The colourful and lively illustrations lend the readers a fresh and attractive look, thus stimulating the learner's interest and attention. The presentation of the teaching items is followed by practice sheets and revision exercises so as the ensure a through learning of the basic elements of the language. Phonetic drill have been introduced at intervals to developa sense of the sound of the English language. Some pictures and questions have also been added in the end for oral discussion, in order to develop speaking in the learners. We hope the series, English Readers A and B will serve as an effective tool to make the learning process more meaningful and purposeful and at the same time enj oyable for beginners. Any suggestions for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged.

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