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Together with Enchante Methode De Francais - 2

Together with Enchante Methode De Francais - 2

Specifications of Together with Enchante Methode De Francais - 2

Together with Enchante Methode De Francais - 2

  • French
  • Rachna Sagar Pvt.Ltd.
  • Text Books
  • Class 2
AuthorArchana Khurana
Revised Edition

Together with Enchante Methode De Francais - 2

The Enchante Methode De Francais – 2 is a well graded course material designed for students to acquire a sound base in the French language at the introductory stage. The course material, comprising textbooks, workbooks and picture dictionary, serves as a bridge series which stimulates confidence and eagerness to learn. The learner begins to recognize the shared cognates of French with English vocabulary, alongside acquiring knowledge of the basics. In addition, the series has been geared to make a smooth transit into French studies at the secondary level.

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